Tag Archives: Races

Four Legged Cheerleaders


On Sunday morning we participated in the annual First Responders Half Marathon.  We have McMullin staying with us again so he and Brodie came out to cheer us on. They were a big hit.  Everyone wanted to stop by and say hello to the pair.

As I was approaching the end, Don handed me the “boys” so that they could cross the finish line with me.


Brodie also helped Laura and Heidi cross the finish line.


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Filed under Brodie, Hope Heels, Races, Volunteering

Another Hypo Half


On Friday I went to the Running Room to pick up my race kit for today’s Hypothermic Half Marathon only to find out that they had no record of my registration and they were sold out.  On one hand, that wasn’t so bad because I had not done any training, but I had friends that were doing the race.

Yesterday Spirit and I spent almost 2 hours kick sledding and I was exhausted…but I still had this nagging voice in my head that said I really should do the half.  To make a long story short, I got my butt out of bed at 6:15 this morning and met my friends at the start line.  It was a cold and windy day but we toughed it out and finished.   Since I was a bandit (non-paying participant) I wasn’t allowed to attend the brunch afterwards but I was more than happy to jump into the car and crank the heated seats to maximum to try and warm up.   I hit the closest Timmies on the way home and then had a nice long soak in the hot tub.  I’m sure my body will hate me tomorrow morning but I’m glad I did it.

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Filed under Races

Hypothermic Half Marathon


This morning the skinny guy and I completed our 4th (me) and 2nd (Don) Hypothermic Half Marathon.  This is the first year that the race hasn’t lived up to it’s name.  It was a balmy zero at race start and 4 degrees celsius and sunny when we finished.  I forgot my ice cleats at home so I struggled a bit with traction but otherwise it was great.  It is hard to believe that the weather is this mild and beautiful for Edmonton in February.


Filed under Races, Uncategorized

Good start to 2015


This morning we participated in the annual Resolution 5K run.  It was an incredible 3 degrees outside…definitely the warmest resolution run we’ve ever done.  We normally experience temps closer to -20 degrees celsius so it felt more like spring than winter.  Today was also Don’s first official day as a retired old fart.


Filed under Races

Edmonton Derby Half Marathon


Yesterday I participated in the half marathon.  It was my first one this year compared to three 1/2’s  and one full last year.   My emergency appendectomy earlier this year really messed with my race plans and training this year. Don has some injuries so he didn’t train with me or participate in the race so it was a little lonely by myself…..not even Wally by my side (no dogs allowed).  I was thrilled with my results, a new personal best.  Fifteen minutes faster than my old half record and I even managed to come in 3rd in my age group.   The only benefit to getting older is that in the long distance races there are less people in your age category……otherwise my times are not really that fast.   The ‘grand-poo-pah’ himself, John Stanton, presented me with my 3rd place medal.


Filed under Races, Training

Night race for Kids

Tonight Don and I ran the Night Race to raise money for Starlight Children’s Foundation and the Stollery Children’s Hospital. It was a neat experience to run at night in the river valley with just headlamps to light your way. We took a before and after picture. Can you tell which is which?



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Filed under Races, Two legged family