Tag Archives: Sporting Detection Dog

Lucky Elite #7

Once Brodie earned his SDDA (Sporting Detection Dogs Association) Elite Championship and Grand Master Championship I hadn’t planned to trial him anymore. Well plans change. Since Spirit was still working towards completing her SD-MACH2 and we were still attending trials, I decided to let him continue to play since he loves it so much. Much to my surprise he earned his 6th title in July and today his 7th. That’s his 4th Elite title this year compared the very long drought (2.5 years) between #3 and #4. He really loves this game.

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Filed under Brodie, Nosework, Scent Detection, SD-EL, SDDA, SDDA Title, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association

Elite #4

It has been a very long drought for us but I am so thrilled that we earned our 4th SDDA Elite title today. Even better than that, my normally “chicken sh!t” dog amazed me by not only jumping on a table but he climbed up on a tractor and even on an open grate spiky metal platform. I couldn’t be more proud of him. Big thanks to Kristina of Little Nose That Knows, our Judge Kelly Ladouceur, the volunteers and my fellow competitors for cheering us on.

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Filed under Brodie, Nosework, Scent Detection, SDDA Title, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association

Another Games Champion

I just love this big goofy girl. She does not do scent work for the love of the game, she does it because she loves engaging with me and seeing me get so excited when she finds the hide and, well lets be honest here….she has an intense love affair with food. We’ve had more than our fair share of struggles along the way. I used to say that if we could just make it to our championship I would be thrilled. Then it was maybe a Master Champion title was actually possible. With each milestone we reached she showed me she could do it and that I underestimated her. Then came Games. Once again, I sold her short. At best I thought we had a chance of getting our Aerial title but that was it. Yesterday we earned our Games Championship. In so many ways this title means more to me than when her younger “brother’ Brodie became the first dog to earn a SD-GCH. For him it was relatively easy and somewhat expected that he would, at least at some point, get the title. For Spirit this is a real achievement….she actually got 3 Speed Q’s…if you’ve ever watched her search, speedy is not an adjective you would use to describe her style 😉. Moral of the story…..dream big and trust your dog 💜💜💜

She is the first Bernese Mountain Dog to get this title and only the 6th dog of any breed to earn it. If you think about it, that is pretty amazing for a breed that is not associated with scent work. She is now officially known as:

Tailspin’s Winter’s Spirit RI SDIN, SDDA: SD-MACH SD-GCH, C-WAGS: CW-SI


Photo courtesy of Ryan-Ann King

Photo courtesy of Ryan-Ann King


Filed under Nosework, SDDA, SDDA Champion, SDDA Games, SDDA Title, Spirit

SDDA Nationals

I am so glad that we were able to combine our family visits with the Sporting Detection Dogs Association’s inaugural National Challenge Cup. We had a blast meeting so many wonderful people,talking dogs and sniffing.

The festivities started on Friday with a lovely wedding. Esteemed Judge Doug Teeft and his fiancé Cathy tied the knot. Their cake was appropriately topped with German Shepherds.

The Games trial came next. Originally I had signed Brodie up for all 4 games but since that time he has earned all 4 titles. I substituted Spirit in the Speed component since she needs two more Speed Q’s to get her title and championship. Since we had already paid, Brodie ran in the remaining 3 games for the heck of it. Spirit nailed Speed and Brodie Q’d in Aerial and Distance (18 seconds WTG).

Then came the Team component. We didn’t have a pre-arranged partner so Stacy Barnett and I partnered up. She wanted to split the areas up and not call a hide until the other dog came in and confirmed it. Since we already have our title I was happy to follow her plan. Unfortunately that ate up a lot of time. We had successfully called 3, Brodie had sourced the 4th hide but Brava couldn’t confirm it so we timed out. Oh so close. In NACSW they don’t have to be as exact as SDDA when they call their hides. Brava was able to say there is something somewhere around here but I had to bring Brodie in to pinpoint the exact location before I was able to call each of the hides. Although we didn’t Q (only one team did) it was an honour and pleasure to search with such a well known and respected participant, Judge and international nose work instructor.

The Nationals started Saturday morning with each team doing 4 searches (exterior containers, interior and 2 interior/exterior combos). In 3 of the 4 searches we found all the hides for full points plus bonus points. We only found two of the 4 hides in the last interior/exterior combo but since we found the two hardest hides we still earned decent points. Our two afternoon searches weren’t quite as successful. We nailed the exterior search but NQ’d on the vehicle search which cost us a maximum of 30 points. At the end of the first day we had 182 points which put us in 9th place overall

Saturday night was the banquet. We shared a table with Jane book and several of her students and had a wonderful evening. There was a very interesting speaker with 40+ years experience training dogs and handlers all over the world. He talked about how scent behaves and how he approaches a search.

Sunday morning we had 3 searches. They upped the ante by reducing our search time to only 2 minutes each. My amazing boy nailed all 3. Watching him work just made my heart sing. How lucky am I that I get to play sports and share my life with this smart, athletic, goofy and handsome boy. I could have gone home at that point completely happy with our performance.

All of a sudden people where hugging and congratulating me and I didn’t know what was happening until I actually saw the official results. Much to my utter shock, we ended up placing 4th overall. Holy cow….completely unexpected.

The top 12 teams got to participate in the finals. The dogs ran in reverse order of score so we were the 9th team to search. There were 2 search areas, 3 hides in each and only 2 minutes per search. We all started fresh with zero points.

I listened to lots of clapping and cheers for the previous competitors. By the time it was our turn my mouth was dry, my palms and forehead were sweaty and my stomach was doing flip flops. We were way out of our league competing against scent work teachers, judges and some of the best in our sport. When I walked up to the vehicle search and saw the crowd of spectators my hands started shaking. Scent detection is usually a solo sport with just you, your dog, the timer and Judge.

Our first search was not stellar. We missed the first hide right at the front corner of the trailer, found the second inside the bed of the trailer and then moved on to the second vehicle. Brodie picked up the odour and worked it back to source but we timed out just as I called alert.

Thank goodness we had a couple of minutes to wait before we started the exterior search. I was able to sit down, stroke Brodie’s sweet soft forehead and practice some deep breathing to try and relax. I told myself to calm down and forget about who else is searching and how many people are watching and judging us. Just focus on my boy and enjoy ourselves. It worked. We nailed all 3 hides. So proud of Brodie. He is the heart and soul of this team.

We ended up finishing in 7th place, way exceeding any of my dreams. We got a lovely ribbon and a bag of swag.

I wish I could have had a do-over on the first search but that’s how it goes. Valuable lesson learned. Forget about everything else and most importantly trust your dog!!!!

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Filed under Brodie, Nosework, SDDA, SDDA Games, SDDA Title, Spirit, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association

More Games Titles

Games night at the Manitoba Scent Detection Trial is over. Thanks to our awesome Teams partner Michelle and Neuman, Brodie and I got our 3rd Q and earned our Teams Title. I think that makes us the very first to get all 4 Games Titles 🏅🏅🏅🏅.

Spirit earned her Distance Title giving her her 2nd games title. She completely surprised me by earning a Q in Speed. Anyone who has seen her search knows that speed is not her forte….slow and steady is her mantra. We called the last hide with just a millisecond to spare.

Thank you to all the volunteers, hosts Michelle & Diane and our Judge John-Marc Dugas.

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Filed under Brodie, Nosework, SDDA, SDDA Games, SDDA Title, Spirit, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association

SDDA Games Champion

We had a great weekend at the Alert K9 trial in Pilot Butte Saskatchewan. We started with Games on Friday night. The first component was speed, the only Q Brodie needed for his third Games title and the championship. He nailed it. According to the latest stats as of 2019SEP08, no one has 3 titles yet so he could be the first dog to attain a Games Championship but we won’t know until the updated stats are available. We were lucky to be paired up again with Darla and Jetta in Team which resulted in our 2nd team Q. Spirit ran both distance and aerial and Q’d in both.

Brodie and I did Elite on Saturday and Sunday. Our streak of passing 2 of 3 components continues. So close😉. No teams passed elite either day.

Big thanks to host Christina, her amazing volunteers and Judge extraordinaire Kathy Hansen.

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Filed under Brodie, Nosework, SDDA, SDDA Games, SDDA Title, Spirit, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association

Brodie Got Mail

Brodie received his SDDA Aerial Games title (SD-GA) in the mail today.

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Filed under Brodie, Nosework, SDDA, SDDA Title, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association

Master Champion


Just 2 weeks ago I was blogging about how proud I was of Spirit for getting her Championship. Well she has taken it to the next level. I am over the moon proud of her for earning her Sporting Detection Master Championship this afternoon at the Alert K9 trial.  I was so nervous before we started our Exterior search.  Christina, the trial host, gave me a big hug and told us we could do it … and we did!!  Spirit is just the 2nd Bernese Mountain Dog to reach this level.  When I called the final alert the Judge hesitated and my heart sank. Then he gave me a big smile and said Yes!  He enjoyed messing with me for a few seconds. I burst out with a big yahoo and gave my girl a big hug and a handful of treats. I have to admit that I had a few tears in my eyes too.  Just for a little icing on the cake, we also competed in the aerial and distance games and she Q’d In both.

In just love how she is looking at me in this picture10221BB7-3EBB-45E2-A1A1-40C17444A038


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Filed under Nosework, SDDA, SDDA Title, Spirit, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association

Our 2nd Champion

This past weekend we went to Red Deer to participate in the Little Nose that Knows SDDA scent trial.  Mother Nature did her very best to make the weather conditions as miserable as possible.  Despite that, Spirit got her much needed Excellent Exterior search component to finally earn her Championship.  It has been a real struggle and I’m so proud of her.  Not only did she get her beautiful ribbon, but a bunch of swag as well

Many thanks to our host Kris and the all the wonderful volunteers.



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Filed under Nosework, SDDA, SDDA Title, Spirit, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association

Great Trial Weekend

So proud of both of my “kids” for doing so well this weekend.  They spent 3 nights and 4 days cooped up in a kennel in the car or a small hotel room.  When we got home last night they burst into the house, running and jumping all over each other so happy to be home and free to move.  This is the first time we have done 3 days at a scent trial.  By noon on Sunday I had run out of steam and had no energy left.  I’m afraid I was the weak link again.

Brodie was great in containers.  We received a perfect score….which I don’t think I have ever gotten from Judge Jean-Marc and we got 2nd place.  I love trialing under him because he always challenges and tests the teams and I learn so much to help us improve as we move forward.  We started out great in our Interior search.  Brodie found the hide in the first room and I was ready to call finish and then second guessed myself and decided to check one more area again.  Brodie pawed at the rug and I quickly called alert just as my head was saying “NOOOOOOO” that wasn’t his normal alert behaviour.  We NQ’d.  We still had Exteriors to do.  Since we no longer had a chance to title,  I decided to try running Brodie without going for an extra pee break to see if I could successfully interrupt his marking behaviour.  Exteriors are particularly  challenging for an intact male that is obsessed with marking.  This search area was even more challenging because there was so much pee-mail already there.  He found the one hide and as we were just finishing up the last few feet of the search area, he marked.  It was so fast that I didn’t even have a chance to yell NO.  A very valuable experiment.  I am really going to have to work on teaching him the difference between peeing on a walk and not peeing when wearing his search collar.  I’ve got my work cut out for me that’s for sure.

Spirit had a great container run and finished in 3rd place.  Unfortunately we NQ’d in interiors because she alerted too far away from the source.  It was a tough call because of the drafts and the pooling of odour.  Most dogs indicated in the exact same place as Spirit did.  Even the judges expressed some regret about the hide placement but once they had NQ’d the first team they had to be consistent and NQ everyone else.  If we had approached the hide from the opposite direction, she would have alerted at the source first before encountering the pooled odour.   We had the same problem in Exteriors, she alerted at the top of the post and not the base.  Ironically, one of the articles in the exterior search area was the same shoe from previous day that so many dogs false alerted on, and ironically Spirit hit on it again.  There is something about that shoe that fooled so many teams.   Very odd.

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Filed under Brodie, SDDA, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association

Cowichan Valley K9 Noseworks Trial


On the weekend we participated in the Cowichan Valley K9 Noseworks scent trial on Vancouver Island.  Brodie had a great day on Saturday,  He qualified in both Excellent Amateur Interiors (2nd place) and Containers.  With those 2 qualifiers he earned his Excellent title.


Spirit struggled a bit but she qualified in Advanced Working containers with a 2nd place.  We were really thrilled to learn that we were chosen as the Judge’s favourite team.


Sunday was complete opposite of Saturday.  Spirit qualified in all 3 components and earned another Advanced Working Title.  She also got a first place in containers and once again we were chosen as the Judge’s favourite team (different Judge).


Brodie didn’t qualify in any of his runs.  Our exterior search was particularly interesting.  He was so focused on whatever scents were in the environment that he completely ignored me for the entire 5 minutes before we timed out and were disqualified.  The Judge and her assistants were in tears from laughing so hard watching me trying to get Brodie to engage with me.  I had a good giggle when I was given my score sheets and saw the Judge’s comments……


Thank you to CWV9 for hosting a wonderful.  A big thank you to Judges Jane Book and Kathy Hansen and all the wonderful volunteers.


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Filed under Brodie, SDDA, SDDA Title, Spirit, Sporting Detection, Sporting Detection Dog Association