Tag Archives: Bond

New family member

It has been a long year of 2 failed breedings, a cancelled planned breeding and a very disappointing breeding but all that is behind us now. We have found the perfect breeder for us and we have our little boy. We are so grateful to Eve O’Keefe and Shannon Flynn (Brodie’s breeder) for recommending Pauline Buchanan of Beaugoldens

Pauline chose cars as the theme for this litter. I would like to introduce you to Beaugolden’s Aston Martin Goldeneye call name “Bond”. Although his name is obviously a reference to James Bond but for me, it is more about the connection/bond that we will have together.

In our first 24 hours, I have learned that he is bold, fearless, and very confident. We can’t take our eye’s off of him for a millisecond or he will be climbing, scaling or investigating something. He is not your typical puppy piggy inhaling his food. He actually chews each piece. He slept through the night without a peep but if he is awake, he doesn’t want to be any more than a metre away or he will start vocalizing. He is definitely not a fan of kennels or X-pens and he lets you know, loud and clear, he is not a happy camper. He has already learned where he is supposed to go potty and has discovered the bell on the back door that hopefully he will soon start ringing when he wants to go outside. He has an amazing natural retrieve and carry and he happy follows me wherever I go. I am so looking forward to all the adventures ahead of us ❤️❤️❤️

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